
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce

26th July 2024

Friday art essay: Impressionism at 150

If you go to the National Gallery in London and visit, say, Room 32, where Mannerism is represented,...
Friday art essay: Impressionism at 150
If you go to the National Gallery in London and visit, say, Room 32, where Mannerism is represented,...
25th July 2024

Essay: Paul Simon’s Strange Dreams

What do you need to make a musical career? I'd say it comes down to one thing: a talent for immediac...
Essay: Paul Simon’s Strange Dreams
What do you need to make a musical career? I'd say it comes down to one thing: a talent for immediac...
24th July 2024

Tom Pauk’s Letter from Budapest

I'm writing at our table in the New York Cafe, Budapest, although to call this ridiculously ornate f...
Tom Pauk’s Letter from Budapest
I'm writing at our table in the New York Cafe, Budapest, although to call this ridiculously ornate f...
Dame Esther Rantzen
23rd July 2024
Dame Esther Rantzen’s ‘Older & Bolder’: An Inspiring Journey – A Review by Ronel Lehmann
Discover the wisdom and experiences of Dame Esther Rantzen in her latest book, 'Older & Bolder.'...
23rd July 2024
“Get involved”: an interview with Dr. Claudia Araujo about opportunities in the coffee sector
I was really surprised when I went to the exhibition last year to see what a big climate impact coff...
22nd July 2024
Kamala Harris exclusive: The Woman Who Would Be King
If Kamala Harris' people are worried about the perception that she has been sidelined in Joe Biden's...
19th July 2024
Marjorie Neasham Glasgow on Building Community Relations to Advance Net-Zero
Sir Keir Starmer swept to power and is proposing a 'mission driven government'. He is making clean e...
18th July 2024
Q&A: Sophia Petrides on Communication and the Workplace
I am fascinated by communication and the workplace - how it works and how it sometimes misfires. Wha...
Portfolio Career
17th July 2024
The Rise of Portfolio Careers: Could this be the era of the new Renaissance Man?
I've been lucky enough to go often to Florence, more than any other the city of the Renaissance man....
16th July 2024
Labour’s Green Quandary
When Sir Keir Starmer took office as Britain's new Prime Minister on 5th July, there was a sense of ...
15th July 2024
What will the new government do about the apprenticeship levy?
Initially it sounds a good idea to expand the apprenticeship levy and reform it into the "growth and...
12th July 2024
Book review: The Death of Truth by Steve Brill
Dustin Thompson was living in Columbus, Ohio and getting along more or less fine in the pests contro...
Theresa May
11th July 2024
Theresa May’s ‘Abuse of Power’: An Insightful Memoir – A Review by Christopher Jackson
The memoir by the departed leader has evolved a little since Winston Churchill's confident predictio...
India's Legal Market
10th July 2024
India’s Legal Market Opening: A Game-Changer for UK Lawyers – Insights by Dinesh Dhamija
In a sign of the growing openness of the India market, the Bar Council of India has said it expects ...
9th July 2024
What happens when a new government takes office?
Changes of government between one of the two main political parties have rarely happened in recent y...

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