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Book Review

Dame Esther Rantzen
23rd July 2024
Dame Esther Rantzen’s ‘Older & Bolder’: An Inspiring Journey – A Review by Ronel Lehmann
Discover the wisdom and experiences of Dame Esther Rantzen in her latest book, 'Older & Bolder.'...
12th July 2024
Book review: The Death of Truth by Steve Brill
Dustin Thompson was living in Columbus, Ohio and getting along more or less fine in the pests contro...
Theresa May
11th July 2024
Theresa May’s ‘Abuse of Power’: An Insightful Memoir – A Review by Christopher Jackson
The memoir by the departed leader has evolved a little since Winston Churchill's confident predictio...
19th June 2024
Book review: A Chilling Account in “A Very Private School” by Charles Spencer
Many people how have been to boarding school will recognise the following question and answer. "When...
24th May 2024
Book review: Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House and the World by Jen Psaki
Jen Psaki has become a Democratic sage by virtue of having served in both the Obama and the Biden ad...
20th February 2024
Book review: Rory Stewart’s Politics on the Edge
This is a fabulous book written by a man who thought he might be prime minister but who has instead ...
30th January 2024
Review: The Letters of Seamus Heaney
I don't think any writer would in their right mind refuse the Nobel Prize for Literature, but there ...
22nd December 2023
Book Review: Richard Osman’s The Last Devil to Die
In our age, there is an increasing suspicion that reading isn't really a popular pursuit at all. If ...
8th December 2023
Book review: Amy: In Her Words
The case of Amy Winehouse is so tragic that we could be forgiven for not wishing to revisit it: the ...
19th October 2023
Book review: Ronel Lehmann reviews Dame Esther Rantzen’s Older and Bolder
I often remind our student candidates that it is normal to be nervous before an interview. At their ...
13th October 2023
Armando Iannucci’s Pandemonium: “quite funny – but only quite”
Say, heaving Muse, what catalogue of restraints and luckless lockdowns fell upon th'unwilling world ...
9th October 2023
Stephen James reviews Lord Ashcroft’s In the Shadows: ‘it will leave you wanting more’
Lord Ashcroft's latest book rightly focuses on "the extraordinary men and women of the Intelligence ...
4th March 2023
Book review: Ronel Lehmann on Lord Cruddas’s Passport to Success: From Milkman to Mayfair
I could not put this book down from the moment that I began reading, despite its author for a time c...
11th May 2022
Review: Talan Skeels-Piggins: The Little Person Inside
10th May 2022
A new poem by Martin Plantinga: Between Jobs at Il Palagio
The renowned poet and philosopher Martin Plantinga describes what it's like to be between jobs...

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