
Editors Pick

Grace Hardy gives her tips on accountancy careers

Grace Hardy on accountancy careers: “Be yourself”

BBC News

Public sector pay deals help drive up UK borrowing

Borrowing was £17.4bn last month, the second highest October figure since monthly records began in 1993.

Special Reports

19th September 2024

Resilience in Crisis: Dr. Pamela Chrabieh on Lebanon’s Struggles and Hopes for the Future

Dr. Pamela Chrabieh is a Lebanese-Canadian scholar, university professor, visual artist, activist, w...
Gold bar
22nd November 2023

Percheron Advisory CEO David Hawkins’ guide to the wealth industry

When I was at university (Durham 1993-96), the prevailing trend was to apply to accountancy, the law...
Edwin Andrade
26th December 2022

2022 Highlights: Essay – How did universities become a money-making industry?

The UK is home to a high concentration of world-leading universities. Our venerated institutions off...
Bob Dylan
10th August 2022

Bob Dylan at 80: what the great songwriter tells us about making our way in the world

A look back at Bob Dylan's 80th birthday, when Robert Golding looked at the career of the Nobel laur...
CEO meeting
22nd July 2022

Exclusive Finito World CEO Survey

A look back on Sophia Petrides' exploration of the problems CEOs faced during the pandemic. Original...
18th July 2022

Dr. Todd Swift’s advice to young people on a career in publishing

Todd Swift has spent a lifetime on the front line of literature as a publisher, poet, and writer of ...
Suzanne Rab
10th September 2021

Suzanne Rab on how law students coped during the pandemic

Suzanne Rab
18th August 2021

Professor Suzanne Rab on how AI is changing justice and the workplace – and why it threatens humanity

18th June 2021

The Succession Question: why family businesses need to plan ahead

Melissa Nobile
18th May 2021

Psychologist Melissa Nobile of The Kusnacht Practice on treating young people during Covid-19

cross country chase
14th May 2021

Racing Ahead: The equestrian industry emerges from lockdown

13th May 2021

Desperate measures: how to get noticed in a crowded job market

12th May 2021

Inside NFTs: the concept taking the art world by storm

Saddiq Khan
5th May 2021

Sadiq Khan exclusive: ‘My focus is on jobs, jobs, jobs’

19th March 2021

It’s the culture: why Goldman Sachs really opposes remote working

Finito World
7th October 2020

From Covid-19 to Climate Change: Employability Special Report

2nd October 2020

Sector Outlook: Charities


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