
FinitoWorld magazine cover featuring Taylor Swift with the headline 'Shake It Off'.

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Why you need to have a happy workforce

BBC News

Public sector pay deals help drive up UK borrowing

Borrowing was £17.4bn last month, the second highest October figure since monthly records began in 1993.

12th January 2022

Londoners most likely to face redundancy, report finds

Patrick Crowder

London had the most cases of redundancy per 1,000 people in 2021, according to a study conducted by UtilityBidder. 19,095 people face redundancy in the capital, which is a miniscule increase in numbers of redundancies since 2011, when the study’s data begins. The rest of the UK has seen a decrease in redundancies, including Northern Ireland which has seen a 333% decrease over the last ten years.

The research also examined disparities between industries, showing that administrative and support services were most prone to redundancy. The manufacturing industry also showed a high number of redundancies, with 15,117 cases in 2021. These industries, however, both saw decreases in redundancy overall since 2011.

The only industries which showed an increase in redundancy over a ten-year period were agriculture, fishing, energy, and water, which saw an 80% increase in redundancy. The information and communication industry also saw a 7% increase.


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