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20th June 2022

New online diploma for changing events industry

Patrick Crowder

The event management industry has undoubtably taken a hit from the pandemic, and with the rise of new norms in safety, communication, and event expectations, the industry is quickly changing. Despite setbacks, the events industry is expected to grow by 19% in Europe between 2021 and 2027, so events managers are soon to be in high demand. A new online course called Event Crowd allows students to earn a diploma in events management in just three months.

The course offers a fast way into event management, backed by industry professionals who organise everything from Glastonbury to the Olympics. Dodge Woodall, who founded Event Crowd Diploma, highlights the changing nature of the events industry and the urgent need for new, swift training methods.

“Like every industry, we have had to adapt. As the events industry recovers from a challenging economic period, losing many staff and with production, health and safety changing vastly over the last few years, we felt we had a responsibility to support the industry’s recovery and upskilling of new talent in current times,” Woodall says, “We reached out to leading events figures across the world and over the last two years cumulatively have created a high quality, up-to-date, world-leading learning experience in events management. With the events industry booming again post pandemic, the demand for fresh talent in the industry is at an all-time high. Event Crowd provides three years’ worth of education in the space of three months and covers things that you won’t learn from textbooks in a library. The course is already proving to fast-track graduates into a career in the events industry.”

For 22-year-old student Ben Onslow, Event Crowd provided a way for him to stay focused and increase his skill set during the pandemic. Though he was once worried about the pandemic affecting his career prospects, he is now employed by international exhibitions organiser Mack Brooks.

“I knew I wanted to have a dream career in Events, so I focused on what I could control and took the Event Crowd Event Management Diploma. I needed something to keep me motivated and act as a light at the end of the tunnel. I wanted to be set for when the normal world returned,” Onslow says, “The course was challenging, but it definitely gave me a competitive edge and, as the pandemic was ending and the events industry started bouncing back, I secured a full-time, salaried event executive position at Mack Brooks getting to plan and work on large exhibitions. I am hugely grateful to the course for the insight and motivation it kept within me.”

While you can finish the course in three months, it is not required.  You can take up to one year to finish, which allows for flexibility. Students learn how to plan, deliver, and market an event, learning from industry professionals. The course costs £2995.

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