Borrowing was £17.4bn last month, the second highest October figure since monthly records began in 1993.
While many people planned on writing a book during lockdown Dr Selva Pankaj actually did and the lessons he shares may inspire other people to achieve his level of motivation and success. The Regent Group founder reflects on the wisdom he received from his father while growing up in war-torn Sri Lanka such as “Dad said that plant springs from one seed, so every act of man or woman springs from thought” or “Dad used to say to me, ‘if you get up in the morning and find a wonderful day, be grateful for that’” or “Dad used to say in different words that you should willingly give, and sometimes giving needs to be spontaneous.” While the book bears some of the hallmarks of a self-published memoir, it can be commended for attempting to portray inspiring messages.
Power of Learning from Dad: Regent Publishing, £10.00