
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce


Nick Cave
7th June 2024
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds’ ‘Wild God’: ‘a song of planetary importance’
Discover Nick Cave's evolution from a post-punk musician to a profound artist...
31st March 2023
The Sound of Productivity: Clockwise COO Alexandra Livesey on music in the workplace
Post-COVID hybrid working policies are now standard across most industries, and we have seen a steep...
10th January 2023
Tim Jackson: I Learned it in a Band: How to apply transferable skills to just about anything
I have a theory: much of the value-add you bring to your work comes from elsewhere....
13th December 2022
Sir Richard Branson Exclusive: “If you get knocked down, get back up. Over and over again.”
Fame will sometimes have a blurring effect. Public presence sustained over a long period of time can...
Music can help improve wellbeing
7th December 2022
The Power of Music: Building mentally stimulating and thriving workspaces through sound
“Post-COVID hybrid working policies are now standard across most industries, and we have seen a stee...
10th August 2022
Bob Dylan at 80: what the great songwriter tells us about making our way in the world
A look back at Bob Dylan's 80th birthday, when Robert Golding looked at the career of the Nobel laur...
4th June 2021
Emma Swift: ‘As a musician, you’re essentially a small business’
6th May 2021
The Luthier’s Tale: Inside the Guitar Repair Industry
12th October 2020
Mark Padmore on what’s next for the classical music world

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