
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce

Omar Sabbagh

29th April 2024
Y Knots author Omar Sabbagh gives his advice to young writers
My first ever publication as an aspiring writer was in 2004. I'd attended a brief course in creative...
19th April 2024
Friday poem: Omar Sabbagh’s ‘Searching the Horizon’
I opened my eyes and my eyes opened/the light that help them first to arise; and it was as though a ...
8th March 2024
Friday poem: Omar Sabbagh’s ‘The Ghost’
In the corner of the room a cheap white frame; the picture inside shows an aged man, minted there wi...
10th November 2023
Friday poem: Arrogance by Omar Sabbagh
Even the motes of dust he petitions to be friendly faces. And the undulance of his desire, the danci...
11th October 2023
Omar Sabbagh: An Expat’s Impressions of London
I was born, bred, studied, and then studied some more, in London (or thereabouts). I didn't have a f...
17th July 2023
Omar Sabbagh’s Letter from Cairo
It's roughly eight o'clock in the evening and i'm seated on the balcony of my rented suite here in Z...
13th June 2023
Tuesday Poem: Omar Sabbagh’s ‘After Van Gogh’
The poet Omar Sabbagh gives us a meditation on the work ethic of the great painter...
21st May 2021
The View from Lebanon: Dr. Pamela Chrabieh on life, education and the economy today in Beirut

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