
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce

6th September 2024
Frank Auerbach’s Charcoal Heads at the Courtauld Institute: ‘a perfect little exhibition’
Sometimes I think of those who achieved a lot young: John Keats, assured of immortality by writing a...
climate leadership
5th September 2024
UK Climate Leadership: Government’s Opportunity to Lead on the International Stage in 2024
Making a sharp deviation from the climate scepticism of the outgoing UK Conservative government, whi...
Clive James
3rd September 2024
Clive James: Interview reflections from his friend Sir Tom Stoppard
Christopher Jackson hears from the 83-year-old playwright about his old friend, and finds evidence o...
Cricket Nostalgia
3rd September 2024
Cricket Nostalgia: Henry Blofeld on PG Wodehouse, Ian Fleming and the Remarkable Cricket of the Past
At my age, you're permitted to look back a bit - to think of the circumstances of one's family and t...
Fossil Fuels
2nd September 2024
Hard Truths About Fossil Fuels: Dinesh Dhamija’s Call to Action
When the world's political and business leaders gather in New York next month for the UN-sponsored S...
30th August 2024
Friday poem: Chess by Laura Murray
Sometimes, impatient just to have things happen/I take your pawn/knowing you'll take mine. How else ...
joseph mcdonald
29th August 2024
Joseph McDonald on his Inspiring Experience with the Finito Bursary Scheme
At Finito we are sometimes asked why one-to-one mentoring works: one more possible answer is that pe...
28th August 2024
Vet to Scientist: Dr. Vanessa Herder’s Extraordinary Journey in Academia
"Kid, do what you like. Choose what you want." This was the career advice my parents gave me during ...
Vicki Anstey
27th August 2024
Vicki Anstey: The Incredible Story From Advertising to Endurance
I grew up in North Yorkshire in a tiny village in a fairly remote part of North Yorkshire. I went to...
Richard Desmond
23rd August 2024
Class Dismissed: Richard Desmond
The successful publisher and founder of the Health Lottery on the next generation, the success of OK...
Women - Baroness Anne Jenkins
22nd August 2024
Baroness Anne Jenkin: ‘In 2024, Women Must Have a More Powerful Role in Every Meeting’
I founded Women2Win with Theresa May in November 2015. At that stage the Conservative party had nine...
21st August 2024
Solar Cell Breakthrough
In the 70 years since the invention of the silicon photovoltaic cell, its efficiency has risen enorm...
Adam Page
20th August 2024
Adam Page: ‘It’s indefensible to be involved in business and not understand finance’
This is the story of a fantastic journey. But first, I have to explain something. I've been in far m...
19th August 2024
Oil-rich nations see the (sun)light in 2024
For decades, oil-rich Middle Eastern nations have ignored the bounties from solar energy all around ...
Lee Elliot Major
16th August 2024
Lee Elliot Major – The Good Parent Educator: Book Review (2024)
I have been following Lee Elliot Major’s inspiring work for some time now. A global leader in his fi...
Stephen Fry
15th August 2024
Exclusive: How Stephen Fry went from Comedian to the Nation’s Mentor
Growing up is necessarily a provincial experience. It has to be: such a small proportion of the worl...
Independent thought
14th August 2024
Independent Thought, Have we Lost the Habit: Long Read
Our cities are so far advanced down a misguided aesthetic that even revolutionary projects must be u...
14th August 2024
Brooks Newmark on Rwanda, Lifelong Learning, and His Humanitarian Work in Ukraine
As an MP, over 25 per cent of the people who approach you for surgeries is generally about their chi...
Ukraine Refugee Finito Bursary
13th August 2024
From Ukraine to London: how the Finito bursary scheme helped Ukrainian refugee Valeria Mitureva
Very often mentoring can deal with minutiae - the creation of a LinkedIn profile, the process of CV-...
Tom Pauk
12th August 2024
Tom Pauk: Meet the Inspirational Mentor
Tell us about your career before you joined Finito. After studying drama, my efforts to become an ac...
Law Career
8th August 2024
Long Read: Insightful Reflections on a Law Career – Why Many Lawyers Aspire to Be Writers?
I remember everything about the occasion. The little meeting room at Stevens and Bolton LLP, the exc...

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