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effective communication
18th July 2024

Enhancing Effective Communication in the Workplace: Insights from Sophia Petrides

Finito World sat down with Sophia Petrides to talk about how we communicate effectively in workplace settings


FW: I am fascinated by communication and the workplace – how it works and how is sometimes misfires. What are the factors which sometimes lead to unclear communication?


SP: Communication is the currency of connection, serving as the essential tool for building and maintaining relationships in all areas of life. It allows for the sharing of ideas, navigating problems, and building trust, all of which are crucial for success in work and personal relationships. Without effective communication, misunderstandings and conflicts become inevitable. By mastering this skill, you unlock the potential for stronger bonds and smoother interactions in everything you do.

Factors that lead to unclear communication include:

Cultural Differences: Varying cultural backgrounds can result in different interpretations of the same message. Tailor your message to your audience to ensure clarity.

Language Barriers: Misunderstandings can occur if the sender and receiver do not share a common language or have different levels of proficiency.

Assumptions and Biases: Preconceived notions can affect how messages are sent, received, and interpreted.

Emotional Interference: Emotions like anger and frustration can cloud the clarity of communication. It’s best to respond thoughtfully and review your message to ensure the right tone.

Complexity of the Message: Overly complex messages can be difficult to understand without proper context. State your message clearly and concisely, avoiding unnecessary technical terms.

Poor Listening Skills: Ineffective listening can lead to misunderstandings. Confirm your understanding by restating the message in your own words.

Environmental Factors: Distractions or physical barriers can interfere with message transmission and reception.

When you’re mentoring, presumably the most important thing is to establish the most effective communication methods with your mentee. I imagine that must vary from one mentee to the next – can you talk a bit about how this plays out?


When mentoring, it is crucial to establish the most effective ways of conveying information tailored to each mentee’s unique needs and learning styles. This approach requires understanding that each individual processes and retains information differently. Here are some ways to ensure effective communication in mentoring:

1.     Assess Learning Styles: Determine whether your mentee is a visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic learner. Visual learners benefit from diagrams and visual aids, auditory learners from discussions, reading/writing learners from written materials, and kinesthetic learners from hands-on activities.

2.     Set Clear Goals and Expectations: Establish mutual goals and expectations at the beginning of the mentoring relationship. This clarity helps both parties stay focused and aligned on the desired outcomes. It also teaches mentees to set boundaries in their lives.

3.     Personalize Communication: Adapt your communication style to match your mentee’s preferences. Some mentees may prefer detailed explanations, while others might benefit from concise, to-the-point information.

4.     Active Listening: Practice active listening to understand your mentee’s concerns, questions, and feedback. This shows respect and ensures you address their specific needs.

5.     Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer feedback that is specific, actionable, and encouraging. Focus on areas of improvement while also acknowledging strengths.

6.     Encourage Questions and Dialogue: Create an open and psychologically safe environment where mentees feel comfortable asking questions and engaging in discussions without judgement. This interactive approach promotes better understanding and retention of information.

7.     Use Real-Life Examples: Relate concepts to real-life situations or past experiences to make the information more relatable and easier to grasp. Storytelling keeps mentees captivated and focused and helps them see things from a different perspective.

8.     Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins to review progress, address any issues, and adjust the mentoring approach as needed. This ongoing support helps maintain momentum and motivation.

9.     Empower Self-Directed Learning: Encourage mentees to take initiative and seek out additional resources. This fosters autonomous thinking, taking ownership and accountability, independence, and continuous learning.

10.  Be Patient and Supportive: Recognise that learning is a process and be patient with your mentee’s pace. Offer support and encouragement throughout the journey.

By taking these steps, you can effectively convey information and support your mentees in a way that aligns with their individual learning styles and needs, ultimately fostering a productive and positive mentoring relationship.

One thing I am aware of in bad managers is verbosity, which may perhaps be allied to nerves on the part of the person doing the communicating? Similarly, is an excess of terseness to do with shyness?

While a manager’s communication style can offer clues about their personality, it can also create challenges. A manager who relies on excessive talking might come across as nervous or lacking confidence, while one who is overly terse could be perceived as cold or dismissive. Both extremes can hinder clear communication and team morale. The key is for managers to find a balance, adapting their style to the situation and their team members.

In addition to this we have the method of communication – the written word which might be conveyed now by email or WhatsApp; and speech which might be in person, down the phone or over Zoom? I know we have discussed these things a little in the past, but it seems that we are faced all the time with such a variety of options to communicate that we may either choose the wrong one in some fundamental way – or perhaps choose the wrong one for the occasion?

While a multitude of communication channels can bring versatility to the workplace, it can also create a labyrinth of confusion. Employees can get bogged down by information overload from emails, instant messaging, project management tools, and video conferencing. Without clear guidelines on which channel to use for what purpose, chaos ensues, wasting time and hindering productivity. Conversations scattered across various platforms make it difficult to track discussions and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Security concerns also surface when sensitive information is inadvertently shared on unsecured platforms. The constant barrage of notifications from different channels can further disrupt focus, making it difficult to delve into tasks requiring deep concentration. In essence, while options are valuable, clear communication strategies and intentional use of channels are essential to avoid getting lost in a maze of information.


One thing we need to be aware of is mechanical speech – in short, it’s very difficult really to be conscious of what one is saying at any one time. For much of the time we are on autopilot – we babble. Assuming that it is undesirable, what can we do to combat it?

Mechanical speech, where we speak on autopilot, often leads to ineffective communication and misunderstandings. To address this, practice mindfulness to stay present during conversations and pause to reflect before responding. Focus on active listening and slow down your speech to choose your words more carefully. Practice empathy by considering the listener’s perspective and prepare key points in advance for important discussions. Seek feedback from colleagues to improve, monitor your speech patterns, encourage interactive dialogue, and continually enhance your communication skills through learning. These strategies will help you communicate more intentionally and effectively.




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