
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce

Dinesh Dhamija

climate leadership
5th September 2024
UK Climate Leadership: Government’s Opportunity to Lead on the International Stage in 2024
Making a sharp deviation from the climate scepticism of the outgoing UK Conservative government, whi...
Fossil Fuels
2nd September 2024
Hard Truths About Fossil Fuels: Dinesh Dhamija’s Call to Action
When the world's political and business leaders gather in New York next month for the UN-sponsored S...
21st August 2024
Solar Cell Breakthrough
In the 70 years since the invention of the silicon photovoltaic cell, its efficiency has risen enorm...
19th August 2024
Oil-rich nations see the (sun)light in 2024
For decades, oil-rich Middle Eastern nations have ignored the bounties from solar energy all around ...
Green Policies
16th July 2024
Labour’s Ambitious Green Policies
When Sir Keir Starmer took office as Britain's new Prime Minister on 5th July, there was a sense of ...
India's Legal Market
10th July 2024
India’s Legal Market Opening: A Game-Changer for UK Lawyers – Insights by Dinesh Dhamija
In a sign of the growing openness of the India market, the Bar Council of India has said it expects ...
Renewable Energy
20th June 2024
Renewable Energy Tipping Point – A Powerful Shift in Investment
A dramatic surge in solar energy generation amid falling costs - and a sudden Chinese enthusiasm for...
14th June 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: SunTrain, Innovative Renewable Energy Transport by Rail
In 2023, Bill Gates mulled the future of renewable energy. One of the problems, he concluded, was tr...
Solar Companies
11th June 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: Solar Companies Leading Europe’s Growth
Discover how solar companies like Raylyst Solar and Solar Drektinvest are leading Europe's growth....
Education Improvement Report - Tim Clark
7th June 2024
Introducing Tim Clark’s new education report ‘Better Schools: the Future of the Country’
Explore Tim Clark's new education report addressing the teacher recruitment and retention crisis...
Labour's Brave New Energy World
6th June 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: Labour’s Brave New Energy World
Explore Labour’s energy policy and its ambitious plans for a renewable future....
29th May 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: India’s 10 year reckoning
Since his election as Indian Prime Minister in 2013, Narendra Modi set out a vision for his country...
10th May 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: Massive Renewable Deal and Battery Boost
There were two standout news stories this week to cheer the clean energy sector. First, Microsoft's ...
3rd May 2024
Celebrating Earth Day – an Atlantic Divide
How important is the environment in the US versus the UK? This Earth Day - which fell on 22nd April ...
25th April 2024
India Seeks Energy Independence by 2047
To coincide with the centenary of its independence from Britain in 2047, India's leadership has anno...
22nd April 2024
India Heads Global Growth League
Cementing its place at the peak of global economic performance, India appeared in Franklin Templeton...
3rd April 2024
Electrifying Europe from the Black Sea to Brussels
Plans are afoot to connect Western and Eastern European with the Black and Caspian Seas via a 1200km...
26th March 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: Watch Out for a Moroccan HUV
Not sure what a Moroccan HUV is? Let me explain....
6th March 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: The Hydrogen Revolution is Here
Within a few years, the gas that fuels your central heating could have changed to hydrogen, without ...
14th February 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: Sunny Side Up
Ten million Indian households stand to benefit from a new solar power project, announced this week. ...
8th February 2024
India’s New Wave of IPOs
From just $17 million raised by Indian IPOs in January 2023, this year they totalled $67...

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