
Editors Pick

Grace Hardy gives her tips on accountancy careers

Grace Hardy on accountancy careers: “Be yourself”

BBC News

Public sector pay deals help drive up UK borrowing

Borrowing was £17.4bn last month, the second highest October figure since monthly records began in 1993.


1st February 2024

Paul Joyce on Maestro: “A Rudderless Ship Adrift on a Sea of Vanity”

In my decidedly less than humble opinion, the only real reason for "Maestro", Bradley Cooper's incon...
26th January 2024

Paul Joyce: A Dr Who Dinosaur Speaks

One can almost hear the sight of relief breathed by Idris Elba when at last the young cub was painfu...
Thom Yorke
3rd January 2024

Exclusive: Thom Yorke and Stanley Donwood on their new art show

The Internet may have wrecked the opportunity for tactile nostalgia. When Radiohead's OK Computer ca...
22nd December 2023

Book Review: Richard Osman’s The Last Devil to Die

In our age, there is an increasing suspicion that reading isn't really a popular pursuit at all. If ...
20th December 2023

Paul Joyce: My Brush with Still Life

Art has always been distinguished by separate genes within its compass, but it was as late as 1669 t...
Simon Callow
29th November 2023

Simon Callow on his upbringing, life as an actor and the dangers of the art house flop

I am sometimes asked by young people who want to be actors whether I can help - realistically there'...
Older & bolder book cover
19th October 2023

Book review: Ronel Lehmann reviews Dame Esther Rantzen’s Older and Bolder

I often remind our student candidates that it is normal to be nervous before an interview. At their ...
Tim Robinson
10th October 2023

A Novel Way of Working: Tim Robinson on the best books about jobs

Writing my novel Hatham Hall (Northside House), I realised that characters who support themselves ar...
2nd October 2023

Paul Joyce: An Artist’s Memories of Sycamore Gap

Hadrian's Wall started construction about AD 122 and took nearly a decade to complete. It was intend...
Haifa bay panorama
29th September 2023

Friday poem: The Bay by Christopher Hamilton-Emery

The Bay A sort of dislodged washed-out bay we feel into after hours of hill torture. No terns or boa...
Blur Newcastle 2009
1st September 2023

Blur and the Narcissism of the Entertainment Sector

There is a moment in the Beatles catalogue of which I'm especially fond. It comes on Sergeant Pepper...
25th August 2023

Premiere Affaire: a film which shows there are no easy answers when embarking on a legal career

Premiere affaire is one of the juiciest films to hit the Piazza Grande at this year's L...
11th August 2023

Photographer Rankin on how Bjork gave him his start in the industry

For anyone looking to be famous, one possible route seem to be to truncate your name into a snappy w...
3rd August 2023

Meredith Taylor on Oppenheimer: “a fraught epic”

At a time when the world has been holding its breath over the escalation of hostilities between Russ...
Asteroid City premiere Cannes 2023
28th July 2023

Review of Asteroid City: “a film with nothing to say about employability – or anything else”

How would you feel, I wonder, if you were a Hollywood star and not in the new Wes Anderson movie?...
Tim Robinson
20th July 2023

Novelist Tim Robinson on his previous career in TV

As a former director/producer of what were once pompusly dubbed 'high end' documentaries and drama-d...
Raymond Gubbay
13th July 2023

Class Dismissed: Raymond Gubbay

So what was it like starting out in the performing arts business? I left school three days before my...
Random design
23rd June 2023

Review: WOW!house at the Design Centre Chelsea Harbour

Sometimes your job as a writer is to critique, or nitpick, or to recommend improvements. At other ti...
Dan Rather
23rd June 2023

Film editor Meredith Taylor on Dan Rather

The draw of a career in broadcasting necessitates watching this new documentary which offers a strai...
13th June 2023

Tuesday Poem: Omar Sabbagh’s ‘After Van Gogh’

The poet Omar Sabbagh gives us a meditation on the work ethic of the great painter...
Bob Dylan
7th June 2023

‘Steppin’ out into the dark night’: a review of Bob Dylan’s Shadow Kingdom

Geniuses never do what we want them to; if they did they'd be just like us. There's recompense for t...

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