
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce

1st June 2024
Letter from Sicily, Delightful Reflections on History and Art: Philip Mould OBE
Sicily is an extraordinarily layered country. It's a fascinating place where the influences are stil...
30th May 2024
Inspiring Reflections: Sir John Griffin on His Knighthood, Work Ethic, and Future Plans
At Finito we were so thrilled to hear about your knighthood. Can you talk a little about what it mea...
29th May 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: India’s 10 year reckoning
Since his election as Indian Prime Minister in 2013, Narendra Modi set out a vision for his country...
28th May 2024
Sir Terry Waite on careers in faith
Faith has been a vital part of my work, and that has been a gradual growth over the years. My unders...
24th May 2024
Book review: Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House and the World by Jen Psaki
Jen Psaki has become a Democratic sage by virtue of having served in both the Obama and the Biden ad...
23rd May 2024
Frank Auerbach’s Charcoal Heads at the Courtauld Institute: ‘a perfect little exhibition’
Sometimes I think of those who achieved a lot young: John Keats, assured of immortality by writing a...
22nd May 2024
Film Editor Meredith Taylor reviews new Donald Trump film The Apprentice: “A compulsive portrait of toxic narcissism”
"You're either a killer or a loser" is the advice a young Donald Trump (Sebastian Stan) gets from hi...
21st May 2024
Lumos Education CEO Johanna Mitchell on her early life and the influence of her parents
I had no idea that I would work as an education consultant, until I was in my mid-30s, running a sma...
20th May 2024
Henry Blofeld on PG Wodehouse, Ian Fleming and the cricket of the past
At my age, you're permitted to look back a bit - to think of the circumstances of one's family and t...
17th May 2024
Exclusive interview with Defence Secretary Grant Shapps: ‘Putin absolutely must not win’
Grant Shapps is only 20 minutes late for my interview with him, but is nevertheless apologetic when ...
16th May 2024
Event report: Guy Opperman, Siobhan Baillie and Rob Halfon at the East India Club
It's not often that you have three heavyweight politicians in one room but that's what happened at t...
15th May 2024
Diary: former Webb Space Telescope head Carl Starr on the space sector and journeying to other planets
I worked on a programme with NASA for 27 years doing the James Webb Space Telescope. It was around t...
14th May 2024
Lucy Epps: ‘We need to think about what diet can do for ourselves, the NHS, and the economy’
I was brought up with a really strong food ethic. My mum always worked in food, and understood its i...
13th May 2024
Harry Hyman: a Labour government will be a helpful ‘resetting of the clock’
I meet the entrepreneur and publisher Harry Hyman in his offices on Haymarket. He is ensconced in a...
10th May 2024
Dinesh Dhamija: Massive Renewable Deal and Battery Boost
There were two standout news stories this week to cheer the clean energy sector. First, Microsoft's ...
9th May 2024
Michael Gove on how the Tories can win the next election
When I hear the pessimistic talk about the upcoming General Election, I think back to the 2017 vote...
8th May 2024
Emma Roche on the possibilities of a philosophy degree
I remember, aged 14, reading Socrates' famous dictum "the unexamined life is not worth living" in th...
7th May 2024
Stephen McPartland MP: “The UK can become the global superpower for cybersecurity”
I meet the likeable MP Stephen McPartland at the House of Commons and immediately warm to his cheerf...
3rd May 2024
Celebrating Earth Day – an Atlantic Divide
How important is the environment in the US versus the UK? This Earth Day - which fell on 22nd April ...
2nd May 2024
From mobile app designers to SEO professionals, what are the most lucrative freelancing jobs?
New research has found how much freelancers can charge in he US, with those making mobile apps charg...
1st May 2024
Diary: Anushka Sharma on founding the London Space Network and the future of careers in space
I left politics in 2012 to work in the Olympics, and that was the start of my self-employment journe...

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