
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce

India-UK relations

India's Legal Market
10th July 2024
India’s Legal Market Opening: A Game-Changer for UK Lawyers – Insights by Dinesh Dhamija
In a sign of the growing openness of the India market, the Bar Council of India has said it expects ...
30th October 2023
Dinesh Dhamija on India’s Investment Allure
As the world polarises further into warring blocs, with Russia, China and Iran on one side and the U...
28th August 2023
Stop Rishi-bashing over India trade deal
Reports that Rishi Sunak 'faces a new conflict of interest row' ahead of the G20 summit on the groun...
9th June 2023
“This can be done in a day”: Ebookers founder Dinesh Dhamija on the UK-India trade deal
Growing up in Surrey in the 1990s, you could be forgiven for thinking the future was American: there...
15th May 2023
Dinesh Dhamija on the ‘diaspora dividend’ of Indians living and working abroad
At a time when India is breaking records for the growth of its population and economy –...

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