
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce


Stephen Fry
24th June 2024
Exclusive: How Stephen Fry went from Comedian to the Nation’s Mentor
Growing up is necessarily a provincial experience. It has to be: such a small proportion of the worl...
17th April 2024
Tracey Jones: Mind Management Mentorship for our Next Generation
Why is 'introspective reflection' critical for our society? And more, importantly our education syst...
30th January 2024
Review: The Letters of Seamus Heaney
I don't think any writer would in their right mind refuse the Nobel Prize for Literature, but there ...
25th January 2024
Finito Candidate Phil Verney Looks Ahead to 2024
Us humans are interesting creatures, aren't we? On the face of it, one could argue that the changing...
8th February 2023
Report shows best way to approach mentorship, and why it is crucial to success
Mentorship is a practice which dates back to the beginning of human relationships, and it is an intr...
Georgina Badine offers her advice for prospective university students
4th January 2023
2022 Highlights: New Finito Head of Admissions Georgina Badine on what makes a good mentor
At Finito, we continue to believe that effective mentoring is the one thing which can really make a ...
1st February 2022
Report shows best way to approach mentorship, and why it is crucial to success

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