
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce

UK-India relations

12th September 2023
Three takeaways from India’s G20 summit
Now that the dust has settled from the India G20 meeting, I'm left with a generally positive impress...
24th August 2023
Dinesh Dhamija: The CBI’s alarming inward turn
Evidence that Britain will - post-Brexit - become an outward-facing, confident, international tradin...
26th July 2023
Dinesh Dhamija: Indian billionaire snaps up London mansion for £113 million
Signalling a changing of the guard in London's headiest property markets, Indian billionaire Ravi Ru...
5th April 2023
Dinesh Dhamija: Sunak’s win with CPTPP is a reminder of the importance of a UK-India trade deal
When Rishi Sunak’s government hailed the new Asia Pacific trade deal as ‘the most important since Br...

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