
Editors Pick

Why you need to have a happy workforce


6th March 2023
In frame – a talk with Neil Robertson
Patrick Crowder talks work/life balance, homesickness, mentorship, and education with the champion A...
Georgina Badine's personal guide to the wine industry
2nd March 2023
A personal guide to careers in the wine industry
It’s a cold rainy day in November in London and I keep telling myself how could I forget my brolly t...
28th February 2023
Professor Andrew Eder on the joys of a career in dentistry
After 35 years as a dentist in practice and a clinical academic at UCL, Professor Andrew Eder reflec...
Sir David Lidington on managing stress
27th February 2023
Sir David Lidington on the importance of relaxing when in a high-pressured job
I’d say that three things define an aptitude for elected politics. The first is fascination with hum...
22nd February 2023
Finito World Q&A: celebrity chef Tristan Welch
Garrett Withington talks to the co-owner of Parker's Tavern and host of Cooking with the Stars about...
21st February 2023
Sir Rocco Forte on running a family business
The attractions of the hotel industry are the same as they were before the pandemic....
20th February 2023
Middlethorpe Hall – York’s hidden gem
Middlethorpe Hall is a late-17th century country house with 20 acres of parks and gardens just two m...
The coal debate
17th February 2023
Letter from Australia: Ben Murphy on the coal debate
Sitting on this little red patch of dirt in the South Pacific Ocean, I’ve been trying to get some pe...
15th February 2023
Why lifelong learning should never stop
Too often when we think about lifelong learning, it applies only to those who have been in the workf...
8th February 2023
Report shows best way to approach mentorship, and why it is crucial to success
Mentorship is a practice which dates back to the beginning of human relationships, and it is an intr...
8th February 2023
The highest paying travel-based jobs
For many people, getting paid to travel is the dream. For many, it also seems unattainable, but that...
7th February 2023
HR advice from Uber’s Amee Parekh
Amee Parekh has had an extremely successful career since she graduated from the University of Mumbai...
A self-help guide for people facing maternal anxiety
6th February 2023
Victoria Bream: Maternal anxiety, mental health, and the economy
Victoria Bream, alongside Catherine Green and Fiona Challacombe, have authored “Break free from mate...
5th February 2023
That humorous feeling: how much comedy in the workplace is too much?
The witty can sometimes prosper in the workplace, but take it too far and you may have a problem, wr...
2nd February 2023
The English Teacher: A poem about mentorship by Diego Murillo
There is always one latent in your life, who will shape you to your own advantage. Mine was Balkwi...
30th January 2023
Arts universities produce the most start-ups, study shows
New research from the financial tech company Tide shows that art universities produce more start-up ...
Director of the National Gallery Gabriele FInaldi shares his views.
20th January 2023
Class Dismissed: Gabriele Finaldi
I think my favourite picture changes all the time, and when you when you mentioned favourite picture...
Personal Branding
19th January 2023
The importance of personal branding
Standing out from the crowd is important at any stage of a career but it is best to get into good ha...
11th January 2023
How to be A Sommelier
Years ago Costeau was fortunate to meet the legendary sommelier Georgios Kassianos, the so-called Go...
9th January 2023
Jim O’Neill on the MINTs, Goldman v government, and how countries become successful
After my paper published by Goldman Sachs coining the term ‘the BRICs’ – which referred to Brazil, R...
9th January 2023
Interview with UCL Careers Director Karen Barnard
Karen Barnard has been the Director of the UCL careers service for 17 years, following two years as ...

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